Sunday, December 1, 2019
Marketing Research Design and Data collection methods
In the peer reviewed article written by Andy Barker, Clive Nancarrow, and Jason Vir called â€Å"Ritzer’s McDonaldization and applied qualitative marketing research†, the researchers examine the benefits gained from applying Ritzer’s thesis of McDonaldization to international qualitative marketing research; the reports follows the frameworks and requirements of an academic research work.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Research Design and Data collection methods specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More When discussing the topic the researchers limited their discussion and area of study to efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control; they observed that the three areas are the main policies that McDonald has implemented to remain competitive in the world market. To develop the report, the researchers collected wide range of data, then interpolated it, and analyzed it for the report . In research development, research design and data collection plays crucial parts in collecting and shaping the research (Andy ,Nancarrow , and Vir 2005). This paper analysis the research design and data collection method as was adopted by Andy Barker, Clive Nancarrow, and Jason Vir in the article â€Å"Ritzer’s McDonaldization and applied qualitative marketing research†. Research design Andy Barker, Clive Nancarrow, and Jason Vir used onion research design approach; the main reason why the researchers opted to use the method is its systematic way of collecting data. The method is systematical where the researcher has the task of building his report from one segment to another, but moves after the earlier stage has been wholly been exhausted and results tested to be in consistence with the intended outcomes of the research. Just like an onion, the onion research design method has various layers that a researcher has to undergo through before making inferences and pres enting them in a certain manner; generally the method has five stages or layers. When using onion research design the research can be interpolated in layers like the case of an onion; the initial layer is where the researcher discusses the research question as well as the research philosophy adopted; the next layer which in this case can be referred as the second layer looks into the real situation or the main subject of the research.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More With the full understanding of the research question and the subject matter of the case, Andy Barker, Clive Nancarrow, and Jason Vir then moved to the next higher layer; the third layer which is the research strategy. The forth layer concentrated on the time frames that the researchers has to give an account of the research; when analyzing issues in the research, the writers has to move with speed and consider th ings of different parameters. According to the Onion method if research design, the fifth layer gives an account of the research methods adopted, in the case of Andy Barker, Clive Nancarrow, and Jason Vir the methods adopted were both primary and secondary data collection methods (Balnaves and Caputi, 2002) When the writers were considering the case of McDonald, they were interested in analyzing the main strengths that the company has that has made it be able to retain a leadership role in the hospitality industry; with this the researchers were able to develop the background information that they were to analyze. With the understanding of operations of the company, the research took a deductive reasoning approach supported by facts as collected from the field. Deductive reasoning is a research approach method where Andy Barker, Clive Nancarrow, and Jason Vir used a gradual but steady way of collecting information; when using the approach the researchers developed the idea from an k nown angle to a point that needed to be learnt or researched; in this case, the researcher will come from the known point that McDonald has some managing philosophies that have assisted it move to the high ladder of operation; the researchers established the strategies as efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control and seek to establish the lessons that have been learnt from the operations as well as how they can be applied internationally (Burns, 2000). As much as the researchers where interested with McDonaldization, they ensured that the operations of the company has been fully understood and chances that McDonald has some special attributes that has made it be able to use the system was undertook.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Research Design and Data collection methods specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The research design assisted the researchers write a report that can be accepted int ernationally and applicable in different part of the world despite the business systems and structures operating. When using the qualitative method of data collected is more emphasized than the quantity of the data. It is interpretative and descriptive method of data collection. The issue of McDonaldization and its applicability to international marketing as Andy Barker, Clive Nancarrow, and Jason Vir intended to come out is that it has elements of qualitative study; it involved collection of management data then analyzing it to come up with the report. Qualitative research method is adopted in management and social sciences researches as it address the issue wholly and ensure that challenging matters or emerging issues has been addressed effectively. The method is also superior in the sense that it does not focus on the plain facts on the ground but also considers what in-depth matters that might be affecting what can be seen from outside (O’Donnell and David, 2000) The onio n research design assists a researcher to collect rich information about the situation at hand and gather detailed information. In this research, the writers used a combination of research data collection methods to come up with rich data on the area, they used interviews, observations, electronic interviews, focus groups, case studies and wide range of literature review; other than looking at the situation, the method offers room to give effective recommendations management of different companies on the best ways they can use McDonaldization (Creswell, 1998).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to the research the writers not only considered the effect that aspects like culture has on people and their choice of products but also seek to understand how businesses made efforts to attract the attention of customers. McDonald was seen as the company that has benefit from the system and seems to have mastered the art of managing the business with people psychology on their minds. The strength of the process is on psychological part where the right approaches to buy the strategy and use it in international marketing was borrowed. Marketing involves persuading people to buy a certain companies products; with this notion and understanding any effort that strengthens relationship of customer and the selling company is always welcomed for business sake. The research design adopted by the research focused on four main subtopic in the main topic, efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control, although the four are interrelated and move together, the researcher was a ble to cover then with some levels of independence when collecting information. Such moves assisted in offering high quality report and adding value to the known literature on McDonaldization and international marketing. Data collection methods To come up with the article, the researchers have to collected wide range of data then interpolate, analyze, and report the data in an acceptable manner. When doing the research on McDonaldization, Andy Barker, Clive Nancarrow, and Jason Vir combined the strengths of both primary and secondary data collection methods. Each method was handled on its own however moves were made after an in-depth understanding of the situation on the ground was understood. Focus groups Focus groups are teams made by a research to discuss about the research questions that the researcher want to handle; the people to a focus group should well understand the situation on the ground regarding the management topic at hand. Under this framework, the researchers held a workshop with global research practitioners consisting of six professionals in management where with some well framed questionnaires they were triggered to discuss various issues that touched on the research variables (Stefanou, 1999). When using focus group as the method of collecting data, the researchers ensured they created an atmosphere that enhanced the participants to offer their views, understanding and points of views in the area. In so doing Andy Barker, Clive Nancarrow, and Jason Vir had to choose a team leader who was intelligent and one who could manage the participants effectively (Patton, 2002). Use of interviews Andy Barker, Clive Nancarrow, and Jason Vir in the research used two senior practitioners as the interviewee to offer in-depth information about the topic and how they felt McDonaldization can be of benefit to other sectors of life. The selection and the choice of the interviewee can be seen as a strategic move by the researchers as they choose those people they were aware or thought they had quality information and knowledge about the research topic; the approach assisted them get high quality data (Bernard, 2006). Other than the oral and face to face interviews, the researchers went a step higher and conducted online interviews â€Å"e-interviews with senior researchers in global markets, notably Europe and Asia (six respondents)†, again the e-interviews were conducted with experts and people who had management knowledge as they would offer insight information about the area of study. In research there are instances that there are many respondents who might have different information; some information may be conflicting, the most important thing to consider when choosing the respondents is their degree of integrity, knowledge, and the willingness they have to give genuine information. In the case of e-interviews Andy Barker, Clive Nancarrow, and Jason Vir ensured that they got information from management scholars and real mana gers on the ground, this assisted in coming up with rich data and information. Literature review Other than collection of data from primary sources the researchers undertook a wide literature review where they considered what other scholars who have writer on the same or similar topic had to say about the topic, when using literature review the researcher gets an in-depth knowledge of the topic thus he can offer concrete report. In the research report the use of literature review or secondary source of information is supported by the statement â€Å"Content analysis of briefs/case histories (the most recent five years of global projects the researchers could access)†(Andy, Nancarrow and Vir, 2005). When reviewing literature review the writers considered management material as wells articles written on specific issue of strategic management like accounting, marketing, sales and advertising. Materials were vetted for relevance and the researcher made sure they were current and handled the issue professionally. When reviewing literature, the writers of the materials to be used is of great importance; at every one instance the researchers should make sure they understand the qualifications and the experience that the writer of material has; in the event that the writer does not have rich knowledge and has not conducted a comprehensive study, then such materials should not be used. The concept of McDonaldization is familiar and is growing in relevance among management scholars; the system of operation of the international company is one that is triggering concerns to scholars. With this notion, some scholars are writing books discussing the management model; these are some of the materials that Andy Barker, Clive Nancarrow, and Jason Vir used to gather secondary data. The internet was another area that data was available about the research area, although some cites were used, the researcher ensured that they were sights with high rate of integrity and writt en by people who understood the topic fully. Cites whose writers could not be vetted or were unknown were avoided as they were not likely to offer in-depth information like the one required by the study. In McDonald website and annual reports, there are some management efficiency reports that are published, these are some of the materials that the researcher used to gather in-depth information on the topic; the main reason why the researcher had to use literature review is because it offered a rich knowledge and understanding of the research topic which is an important element when developing a research work. Despite the fact that a researcher has the question he would like to address, he should always ensure that he gets to understand what other people who have done similar research had said and suggested, with such moves he is able to come up with a report that does not duplicate what other people have said but actually one that adds value to the topic of research. Other methods t hat the researchers would have used To collect data, this research used a survey data collection method supported by wide literature review; survey method of data collection is another way that the researchers would have used to collect data. Survey is data collection methods were questionnaires and/or statistical surveys are conducted on places that will offer quality information about the topic at hand. The people that would have been surveyed include businesses that have similar models with McDonald and get their operation level. With such levels then the concept of McDonaldization would have been discussed into details further. When research is based on survey method of collecting data, the sampling methodology adopted is that survey sampling method; in specific, information was collected from three main categories as of domestic private and public companies, governmental institutions, and the second batch was composed of internationals and Non-governmental organizations. Anothe r method that Andy Barker, Clive Nancarrow, and Jason Vir would have considered is the use of case study; under this approach they would have surveyed and analyzed a company that has adopted McDonaldization to manage its international marketing then compare the same with a company that has other frameworks of management. When such an approach is adopted, it gives the researcher a chance to understand and see what is actually happening on the other side. Other than reviewing how McDonaldization can be adopted in international marketing the researcher has an opportunity to offer a report that can advance the system after learning what other companies are doing; this would have been attained if the researcher had used case study method of data collection. The time frame of the research is another area that would have been improved; the study involved business processes which change with time and space, the researchers would have put the same in mind and undertake a prolonged case study research on the topic (Coakes, 2007). Observation can be like a silent move where the researcher watches trend in business that have McDonaldization and those that do not; they may focus on something like customers flow. Conclusion Andy Barker, Clive Nancarrow, and Jason Vir in their report on how to implement McDonaldization to international qualitative marketing research used primary and secondary data collection method to gather in-depth information for their qualitative research. Primary data collection method used includes interview (both oral and electronic), focus groups, and discussion groups. When choosing the respondents in primary data collection method, the researchers ensured that they used people who understood the topic well such as scholars and other management personnel. Secondary data collection method aimed at gathering existing information on the research topic to assist the researchers offer high quality report. References Andy, B., Nancarrow, C., and Vir, J. , 2005. Ritzer’s McDonaldization and applied qualitative marketing research. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 8(3), Pp. 296-311 Balnaves, M. and Caputi, P.,2002. Introduction To Quantitative Research Methods: An Investigative Approach. London: Sage. Bernard, H. R. ,2006. Research methods in anthropology: qualitative and quantitative approaches. G – Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary Subjects Series. Rowman Altamira. Burns, R.B.,2000. Introduction to Research Methods. London: Sage Coakes, 2007. SPSS version 14 for windows: Analysis without Anguish. New York: John Wiley and Sons Ltd Creswell, J., 1998. Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five traditions. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications. Creswell, J., 2003. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications. Marble, P. ,2003. A system implementation study: management commitment to project man agement. Information Management, 41(1), pp. 111-123. O’Donnell, E. and David, J.,2000. How information systems influence user decisions: a research framework and literature review. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 1(3), PP. 178-203. Patton, Q. ,2002. Qualitative research evaluation methods (3rd edition). Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications Stefanou, J. ,1999. The complexity and the research area of AIS. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 19,(1/2), PP.1-23. This essay on Marketing Research Design and Data collection methods was written and submitted by user Krish Sullivan to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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